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A member registered Mar 11, 2021

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I love this game so much! Its short and funny (I also loved the dad and brother, it really caught me off guard in the best way possible when they started speaking Tagalog)

(1 edit)

This game is super fun! i absolutely love it and the idea behind it! the Story is amazing and the characters are all really loveable, not to mention the art style! I cant wait to see more!

Fair enough

we gonna talk about why this was on the horror section- (And the fact that i played this at 2am after already pulling a all nighter and actually googled if crabs did indeed live in staplers-

I love the story behind it! plus i love the art style is so flipping cute! I love how awkward Princess A is. Overall a amazing short game! I just wish i could see more of them haha '- -

Eek! I freaking love this game so much! the story and the art style were all 10/10! (And i hate giving straight tens) I would love to see more of this story, its so good! Thank you for making this awsome game!